The image you present and what it says about you.
The image you present to the world is everyone else's first impression of you. What is your image screaming about you? Do you care what your image says about you? Is that something you've ever given thought to? For the guys that have kids, what message are you sending to your son/daughters' about how important their health should be to them?
Now you might be one of those guys that say, " I'm fine with how I look and being fit just isn't that big of a deal to me." I get it. You have your own opinion of yourself and there's a level of self-confidence behind that ideology I can respect to a certain degree. However, you have to understand that the world isn't obligated to have your same point of view, and unfortunately due to human nature, whether we like it or not, we will be judge by the people around us. Also, with that judgement comes the decision of just how serious they'll take you based off their first impression of you.
Now if you want to improve your lifestyle and be taken more seriously by the people around you, having a great physique is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It's more than just having the physique though, it's what comes with that. To get in shape and make a transformation that greatly improves your overall physique and health is no easy feat. You have to develop a certain level of discipline along the way. You make sacrifices that will benefit you in the long run, learning to deny that instant gratification. You become resilient, able to bounce back after a setback or unexpected outcome. You develop a mental toughness, mind over matter. One of the best things you gain is a new sense of confidence. Confidence that you have what it takes to accomplish something difficult, to go through the worst of it and come out on top.
On the other hand, if you're overweight that also says something about you. Most people will say or think that you're lazy, that you don't care about yourself, or that you're a slob etc. Now that may or may not be true. Ultimately what it does scream, is that you're not making your health a priority. And you may say, "well I don't have time to work out, or cook healthy meals". I got it 😒. Maybe you have a family, and you tell yourself, "I just have to work and provide for them and that's all that matters". That's a little better than the previous excuse, but still an excuse nonetheless. What I'm trying to say is, stop making excuses for not taking care of yourself and taking your health seriously.
As men, most of us have responsibilities and obligations that we have to fulfil for work, family, or whatever it may be. With that being said, we have to make sure that we are actively taking care of ourselves. Get yourself on a regular exercise routine that is effective and works for your situation. Clean your diet up and eat to fuel your body, rather than overstuffing yourself at every meal. Hire a personal trainer to help you if you don't know where to start. It's okay to ask for help. If you have a family, or plan on having a family one day. You owe it to yourself and to them to be the best version of "you" that you can be. Have the energy and the stamina to run and play with your kids not just when their little but as they grow. When they get into high school and are playing sports, get out there and practice with them, workout with them, set the example for them.
If you're ready to lose that dad bod and the dad bod mentality; and want to know how you can improve yourself and your overall quality of life. Click the link below and sign up for my free No More Dad Bod consultation.