06 Oct

1.You're cutting too many calories😳!!!

Now I know the majority of people will read that and think, "that doesn't make any sense." But check it. What actually happens when we cut too many calories, is that our metabolism slows down and that creates a greater calorie deficit need in order for you to lose weight. On top of that, your hunger hormone starts wilding out something serious, and the next thing you know, you're stuffing Cheetos down your throat in the bedroom closet, and hiding the empty bag in the bottom of the trash can. Starving yourself and going on a extreme crash diet is really bad for you and wreaks havoc  on your body. Usually what happens is that all the weight you lost while starving your body, tends to come right back with a vengeance. The best way to avoid this from happening in the first place, is to have healthy proactive measures that fit your lifestyle. Some examples include meal prepping, drinking more water, eating more fiber, adding good protein to your diet, and limiting your sugar and sodium intake.

2.You're eating too much of a healthy food.

Ever hear the phrase, "too much of a good thing can be bad for you"? Yep. Sadly that's true when it comes to your diet as well. Sometimes we get the idea that we can eat more of something because it's "healthy"; unfortunately, calories are still calories no matter how good for you they may be. And if you're consuming too much of a good thing, you fall into the risk of over eating. For example, avocados are an excellent source of "healthy fat"...but did you know 1/5 of an avocado is actually one serving? Hence, DON'T EAT THE WHOLE AVOCADO IN ONE SITTING!!! You're killing all the work you've been putting in. Pay attention to the actual serving sizes of what you're eating. Everything comes with a nutrition label that blatantly tells you how many servings there are and what constitutes as a serving size. Don't let that hunger monster get the best of you and let you get complacent with your nutrition. If you would like help in learning how to properly read and understand nutrition labels, visit our services page at www.str8fl3xfitness.com/services and book your nutrition consultation and let's get started today. 

3. You're eating more than you think.

The truth is most people don't realize just how much they're eating throughout the day and how quickly those calories can add up. All those little snacks throughout the day that you eat absentmindedly...calories. All the soda drinkers out there...yup you guessed it, added calories. On average, 1 can of soda can have anywhere between 140-190 calories. If you were to only drink 1 soda a day Monday through Friday, you're consuming anywhere between 700-950 extra calories a week just from soda!!! Now multiply that number by 4 for your monthly average and you're pushing 2,800-3,800 calories a month. That's insane right? But how many of us, throw back soda after soda, or coffee after coffee without ever batting an eye? Then we wonder why we're having such a hard time losing weight, but we completely forget about the little things that always add up. Don't worry, there are ways to help keep us on track with our goals. For example, portion size. Making sure you're eating the right portions during your meals can really go a long way in helping you reach your goals. Something that I've used in the past to help with this is myplate.gov . This site can help you keep track of your portion sizes and even have actual plates you can buy that show you exactly how much you should be eating when it comes to proteins, carbs, and healthy fats aka your macronutrients. I cover a lot of this in my general wellness consultation, so if you're serious about getting serious with your transformation, head over to the home page and sign up for a General Wellness and Nutrition Consultation today. www.str8fl3xfitness.com/services

4. You're not getting enough sleep.

Does anybody ever really get enough sleep? Almost everyone I know wishes they could get more sleep, and rightfully so. We all have busy lives and so many things that we have to focus on any given day, and we know getting enough sleep is important, but we fail to make it happen. So how does not getting enough sleep stop me from losing weight you ask? Well, when our bodies are sleep deprived, we wake up in a "mental fog" not really function at our best, and we usually feel sluggish and tired. So naturally, our body relays this feeling to our brains and in turn, the brain sends out signals that tells our body we need food (particularly sugar ) to combat our lack of energy. If we're not disciplined, it can be very hard to resist the craving to stuff our mouth with a bunch of "fatty cakes" (that's what we called all the Little Debbie's snacks when I was in the Army). So next time you wake up tired, be mindful that your body is going to try and energize itself from the jump, so don't grab those powdered donuts, or that big chocolaty chocolate chip muffin. Instead try to be proactive and get the sleep your body requires. Here are a few things you can do to help you get more sleep. Set an alarm for bed, no screen time at least an hour before bed, listen to a guided meditation when you're in bed to help you wind down.

5. You're stressed out.

Being stressed out can have severe consequences on our health in general. Did you know, being under constant stress can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, upset stomachs, high blood pressure, chest pains, and problems with sex and sleep? Having too much stress can affect our eating, sleeping, and exercise habits often times in a negative way. Also when we're experiencing stress, our bodies release a hormone called cortisol, which can make it hard for someone to lose weight, or in the reveres make it hard for someone to build lean muscle. The reason why being stressed out is so harmful for those who are trying to lose weight is because stress doesn't just have physical ramifications, there are mental and emotional ramifications as well and they all join forces to try and do one thing...end stress completely by any means necessary. What that can look like, is being physically tired and drained to the point where you start to get sick and just can't do anything. It can be a mental struggle to rationalize why do you even need to lose weight or eat healthy. It can come in the form of depression and have you so down in the dumps that you start to believe and feel there's not point to try and better yourself. You'll say things like "it doesn't matter anyway", or "I'm just going to stay like this forever". To combat this, we have to have healthy ways of managing and coping with stress so that we don't fall victim to the negative side effects.  I cover dealing with stress in a couple of my courses, Change Your Mind Change Your Life and How To Overcome Obstacles. If you or someone you know is struggling with losing weight due to stress and would like more info on how to win this battle, go to our home page at www.str8fl3xfitness.com/services and book your session.


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