Now if you're in the beginning of your fitness journey, or you haven't started yet, don't let that deter you. Instead let it be your motivation to get to a point where you're maintaining your fitness rather than struggling to reach a specific goal. Let me be your motivation and the person that's keeping you accountable. Sign up for a general wellness and nutrition consultation
At times it may just be you going for a walk. Or doing push-ups during the commercials of the show you're watching. Or mayyybeeee it's you not eating the whole pack of chunky chocolate chip cookies in one sitting. "guilty". Take pride in the small wins.
You have as many chances to lose weight or build muscle as you'd like... until you don't. Tomorrow isn't promised, so don't wait another day to start making the changes you want to see. It may take you a few times getting it wrong before you finally begin seeing the results you want. You owe it to yourself to become the person you've always known you could be.
However, that doesn't necessarily mean you have to count every single calorie you consume. Counting calories is a great way to ensure you're reaching your goals but it's not the only way. Find what works for you and stick to it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.
Fitness is for people who want to relieve stress. For those who want to live healthier. For those who want to have fun. For those who want to feel good. For those who want to perform better. For those who want to have mental clarity. For those who want to be more confident. For those who want to be challenged... Fitness is for everyone. What's your fitness look like?
"Fitness is not just fitness. Fitness is personal growth. Fitness is Transformation, Fitness is accountability. Fitness is mental health. Fitness is confidence. Fitness is strength. Fitness is therapy. Fitness is peace. Fitness is more than just fitness."